Tax Planning

Proactive Tax Planning

Some CPAs do little more than record history, simply focused on putting the right numbers in the right boxes. There is a big difference between preparing tax returns and doing proactive tax planning. True tax planning requires a team of top-notch professionals that scour the eighty thousand plus pages of the IRS tax code looking for every legal deduction and loophole available to minimize your income taxes, estate taxes, and capital gains taxes.

Tax Strategies to Move Your Business Forward

CFOs, tax directors and business owners come to Sterling Newton for much more than tax compliance. While we excel by ensuring you meet regulatory requirements, both domestic and global, that just scratches the surface of what our tax advisory team does. Whether you're looking to improve profitability, grow your business or implement a succession plan, we see proactive planning as a key strategic tool — as nothing less than a vital means of moving your company forward.

Remember, we work for you not for the IRS. Many of our clients save many times the fee in reduced tax liability through careful planning and legitimate tax strategies.

Do you know what your true largest, long-term expense is?  
Hint: It's not business loan interest, home mortgage, college tuition, even healthcare. 

Apart from taxes, what other line item or budget category accounts for 25-35% of your annual income year after year? While paying taxes is a patriotic endeavor, so is setting aside more for investment, charitable giving and legacy planning. When was the last time anyone on your 'team' approached you with a sustainable, comprehensive strategy that would meaningfully reduce your tax liability, both in the near and long-term? 

Take advantage of our proficiency in the area of strategic tax planning, which has become an urgent priority and offers significant potential to unlock opportunities for our clients, who continue to thrive and satisfy their most sought after longevity and legacy objectives. In fact, ask us about our Tax Reduction Strategy Guarantee!

How To Get Started

If you'd like to receive more information about our Tax Planning Service, please contact us now to setup a free consultation.